Could It Be? Part 3

“Are you ready, darling?”Alfred stood by the door,waiting for his wife and children.

“Yes, dear,”she sighed. “Alfred, do I have to go?”

“Yes,dear. It is a very nice church. You’ll like it there,”he assured her. “Plus, they have a lot of kids, so the kids will have a chance to play and chat with them.”

“Nikita! Sunda! Ferda! Let’s go!”Ankara called. Two girls and a boy came running, and they set off in the direction of the church.

They walked in silence for about 10 minutes, then they arrived at the church. Already they could hear the singing inside the church. They slipped into the back pew, for the service had already started. Robert had noticed Alfred, and greeted them when they walked in.

When the service ended, Robert said hello to Alfred’s family and introduced himself.

“You are Ankara?”Robert asked politely, shaking her hand. “Welcome! Please stay for lunch!”

“Thank you, Robert. We appreciate your kindness,”Ankara answered. “The children enjoyed the Sabbath School very much!”

They walked to the fellowship hall and got their food.

“Mmmmmm,Mama! This is so good!”Nikita exclaimed. “I love this food!”

Sunda nodded, her mouth too full to speak. She swallowed. “It’s a big contrast to what we eat,Mama. Why don’t you cook like them?”

Ankara hesitated. “Well, I don’t know.”

The family finished eating, and stood up to leave.

“You’re leaving?”Robert asked when the family came by his table to say good-bye. “Thanks for coming! Hope you come back next Sabbath!”

“Thank you, Robert! Good bye!”the family waved and headed home.

“Well, my dear. How’d you like it?”Alfred smiled at Ankara as they neared home.

“I was touched by their kindness and sincerity,”she answered. “I actually really enjoyed it!”

They went inside the house and they sat in the living room while the children played kancha.



Hey,guys! Sorry! I’ll try to be more active. I just got back from a camping trip. So much fun! Hope you guys enjoyed reading it! Bye for now!

Love, ♥

Carissa ~

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